First things first: the master bedroom! Certain random things seem to stick in my brain – one of them being an episode of Oprah (I know, really?) from almost ten years ago. It was a before/after room makeover show in which she was stressing the importance of making the master bedroom the first priority on a to-do list when either moving into a new home or remodeling. Besides work, we spend most of your daily hours in the bedroom (even though we are sleeping), so it is a “must” to have a finished, serene place to truly rest not only your body, but also your mind. A finished room equals clutter-free mind! Most people prioritize the living room first, because it’s the room guests see when visiting your home – but she really stressed that it should be your bedroom at the top of the list. And I totally agree! So I’ve carried this little theory will me for almost a decade now and am applying it here in our home.
The original color of our room was baby blue, and while it was “serene”, it needed to go! So, we painted!
I LOVE to paint! No tape for me, just free-hand!
Next on the list, furniture! We decided to put our old bedroom furniture in our spare room and treat ourselves to some new goodies. This is what we are thinking (above).
I like the idea of mixing different finishes to create a cozy, non-serious vibe. Gone are the days of matchy-matchy! Here I’ve mixed shiny chrome with burnished bronze, lush velvet with antiqued wood. Now all I need is some color to pull this space together!
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